Is important to think that Morocco basically is a Musulm country, for his religion it is important been modest at the time to dress ( it is the norm). Is usually see that the women use a chilaba and headscarf, but the young girls you can found using jeans and young clothes. For the mens is usually seen whit a big drees like the Chilaba or whit loose pants.
At the same way for the morocco people it is a gold rule to take of their shoes in the moment that they get in the mesquita.
About the swinsuits are acceptables but the person only can used in the moment that their are in the beach, for that in all the beache´s they have changers for the people.
Other thing that it is acceptable is that the girls hold his hands and the mans but whit someone on the same genere, the couple always keep their distance in poublic spaces.
Ano ther aspect is bad seen that the womens sitting in a coffe of mans for that the girls must search another place to take a cup of coffe, at the same way when a women wants to go out she must go whit a man or whit an other women is bad seen that the girls been lonly for the streat because it represent irrespect for their husbend

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