For the morocco people is the most terrorific leyend, AISHA KANDISHA it tells the history of really beautifully women that always you can found in the places whit wather like lake's or rivers, she seduces all the mens tha are in her way, when this happens she change his appiliance and transforms his body in an old woman with out theat and bad breath and the she kills the boys . The history tells that she was the first women of Adan before Eva that was create whit same characteristic of Adan, she decides to leave the paradise beacuse she believes that Adan dont value his precense, the angels go for she but she says that se will 
dont come, for that god decides to punish she killing their childrens, and now she kill the boys because she thinks that they have the fault.

The story tells the life of a traditional woman and her husband, a fighter of the war of decolonization and imprisoned for their activities recently. Then, when in his country obtain independence  will dispose of his wife to find another more suitable wife with the times.

1 comentario:

  1. it is not true, pease contact me when you have more myths and legends that you think are true (
